- 月周性
- 半月周性
- 潮汐性
- サンゴ礁魚類の性成熟と光周性
- Fukushiro, M., Takeuchi, T., Takeuchi, Y., Hur, S.P., Sugama, N., Takemura, A., Kubo, Y., Okano, K. and Okano, T. (2011). Lunar phase-dependent expression of cryptochrome predicts a photoperiodic mechanism for lunar phase-recognition in rabbitfish. PLoS One, 6: e28643.[abstract]
- Sugama, N., Park, J.G., Park, Y.J., Takeuchi, Y., Kim, S.J. and Takemura, A. (2008) Moonlight affects nocturnal Period2 transcript levels in the pineal gland of the reef fish Siganus guttatus. Journal of Pineal Research, 45: 133-141. [abstract]
- Park, Y.J., Park, J.G., Jeong, H.B., Takeuchi, Y., Kim, S.J., Lee, Y.D. and Takemura, A. (2007). Expression of the melatonin receptor Mel1c in neural tissues of the reef fish Siganus guttatus. Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, 147A: 103-111. [abstract]
- Park, J.G., Park, Y.J., Sugama, N., Kim, S.J. and Takemura, A. (2007). Molecular cloning and diurnal variations of the Period gene in a reef fish Siganus guttatus. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 193: 403-411. [abstract]
- Park, Y.J., Park, J.G., Hiyakawa, N., Lee, Y.D., Kim, S.J. and Takemura, A. (2007). Diurnal and circadian regulation of a melatonin receptor, MT1, in the golden rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 150: 253-162. [abstract]
- Park, Y.J., Park, J.G., Kim, S.J., Lee, Y.D., Rahman, M.S. and Takemura, A. (2006). Melatonin receptor of a reef fish with lunar-related rhythmicity: cloning and daily variations. Journal of Pineal Research, 41: 166-174. [abstract]
- Takemura, A., Ueda, S., Hiyakawa, N. and Nikaido, Y. (2006). A direct influence of moonlight intensity on changes in melatonin production by cultured pineal glands of the golden rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus. Journal of Pineal Research, 40: 236-241. [abstract]
- Takemura, A., Susilo, E.S., Rahman, M.S. and Morita, M. (2004). Perception and possible utilization of moonlight intensity for reproductive activities in a lunar-synchronized spawner, the golden rabbitfish. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 301A: 844-851. [abstract]
- Rahman, M.S., Kim, B.H., Takemura, A., Park, C.B. and Lee, Y.D. (2004). Effects of moonlight exposure on plasma melatonin rhythms in the seagrass rabbitfish, Siganus canaliculatus. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 19: 325-334. [abstract]
- Rahman, M.S., Kim, B.H., Takemura, A., Park, C.B. and Lee, Y.D. (2004). Influence of light-dark and lunar cycles on the ocular melatonin rhythms in the seagrass rabbitfish, a lunar-synchronized spawner. Journal of Pineal Research, 37: 122-128. [abstract]
- Rahman, M.S., Takemura, A., Park, Y.J., Takano, K. (2003). Lunar cycle in the reproductive activity in the forktail rabbitfish. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 28: 443-444. [abstract]
- Rahman, M.S., A. Takemura, S. Nakamura and K. Takano (2003). Rhythmic changes in testicular activity with lunar cycle in the forktail rabbitfish. Journal of Fish Biology, 62: 495-499. [abstract]
- Rahman, M.S., Morita, M., Takemura, A. and Takano, K. (2003). Hormonal changes in relation to lunar periodicity in the testis of the forktail rabbitfish, Siganus argenteus. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 131, 302-309. [abstract]
- Harahap, A.P., A. Takemura, S. Nakamura, M.S. Rahman, and K. Takano (2002). Lunar-synchronization in acquisition of sperm motility in the spiny rabbitfish, Siganus spinus (Linnaeus). Fisheries Science, 68: 706-708. [abstract]
- Rahman, M.S. A. Takemura and K. Takano (2002). Lunar synchronization of in vitro steroidogenesis by ovaries in the golden rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus (Bloch). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 125: 1-8. [abstract]
- Lee, Y.-D., Park, S.-H., Takemura, A. and Takano K. (2002). Histological observations of seasonal reproductive and lunar-related spawning cycles in the female honeycomb grouper, Epinephelus merra, in Okinawan water. Fisheries Science, 68: 872-877. [abstract]
- Rahman, M.S., A. Takemura and K. Takano (2001). Lunar-synchronization of testicular development and steroidogenesis in rabbitfish. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 129B: 367-373. [abstract]
- Harahap, A.P., A. Takemura, S. Nakamura, M.S. Rahman, and K. Takano (2001). Histological evidence of lunar-synchronized gonadal maturation and spawning in the spiny rabbitfish, Siganus spinus (Linnaeus), around the Ryukyus. Fisheries Science, 67: 888-893. [abstract]
- Rahman M.S., A. Takemura and K. Takano (2000). Correlation between plasma steroid hormones and vitellogenin profiles and lunar periodicity in the female golden rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus (Bloch). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology,127B:113-122. [abstract]
- Rahman, M.S., A. Takemura and K. Takano (2000). Lunar synchronization of testicular development and plasma steroid hormone profiles in the golden rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus (Bloch). Journal of Fish Biology, 57(4): 1065-1074. [abstract]
- Hoque, M.M., A. Takemura, M. Matsuyama, S. Matsuura and K. Takano (1999). Lunar spawning in Siganus canaliculatus. Journal of Fish Biology, 55: 1213-1222. [abstract]
- Pisingan, R.S. and Takemura, A. Apparent semilunar spawning rhythmicity in a brackish cardinalfish, Apogon amboinensis. Journal of Fish Biology, 70: 1412-1422. [abstract].
- Pisingan, R.S., Harnadi, L. and Takemura, A. (2006). Semilunar spawning periodicity in the brackish damsel, Pomacentrus taeniometopon Breeker. Fisheries Science, 72: 1256-1260. [abstract]
- Fujita, T., A. Takemura and K. Takano (1997). Histological observations of annual reproductive and tidal spawning rhythm in the female porcupine fish Diodon holocanthus. Fisheries Science, 65: 715-720.
- Takemura, A., Shibata, Y., Takeuchi, Y., Hur, S.P., Sugama, N., Badlezaman, Md. (2012). Effects of hydrostatic pressure on monoaminergic activity in the brain of a tropical wrasse, Halicoeres trimaculatus: possible implication for controlling tidal-related reproductive activity. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 175: 173-179. [abstract]
- Hur, S.P., Takeuchi, Y., Esaka, Y., Wambiji, N., Park, Y.J., Kang, H.C., Jeong, H.B., Lee, Y.D., Kim, S.J. and Takemura, A. (2011). Diurnal expression patterns of neurohypophysial hormone genes in the brain of the threespot wrasse Halichoeres trimaculatus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. 158A: 490-497. [abstract]
- Takemura, A., Uchimura, M. and Shibata, Y. (2010) Dopaminergic activity in relation to changes in day-night and hydrostatic pressure in the brain of tropical wrasse Halichoeres trimaculatus. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 166; 513-519.[abstract]
- Takemura, A., Oya, R., Shibata, Y., Uchimura, M. and Nakamura, S. (2008). Role of the tidal cycle in the gonadal development and spawning of the tropical wrasse Halicoeres trimaculatus. Zoological Science, 25: 572-579. [abstract]
ルリスズメダイを用いて光が生殖腺の発達にどの様に関わっているのかについて調べています。非産卵期のルリスズメダイに産卵盛期の環境を先ず与えてみました。与えた条件は長日(14時間明期:10時間暗期;14 L10D)や短日(10時間明期:14時間暗期:10L14D)で水温20℃、25℃、31℃です。これらの条件のうち、生殖腺の発達を誘導できたのは、長日で25℃の条件でした。長日の高水温(31℃)では卵黄形成は誘導できましたが、卵母細胞は退行していきました。また、25℃の短日では生殖腺は発達しませんでした。これらのことからルリスズメダイの生殖腺の発達には長日条件が関わっていると考えられました。産卵期においても類似した実験を行った結果、活発な産卵を維持するためにはやはり適正水温での長日条件が必要であることが分かりました。
- Bapary, M.A.J., Imamura, S. and Takemura, A. (2012). Long-afterglow-phosphorescent pigment is a potent tool for manipulation of reproductive performance in fish. Fisheries Science, 78: 337-342. [abstract]
- Bapary, M.A.J., Amin, M.N. and Takemura, A. (2012) Food availability as a possible determinant for initiation and termination of reproductive activity in the tropical damselfish Chrysiptera cyanea. Marine Biology Research, 8: 154-162. [abstract]
- Takeuchi, Y., Bapary, M.A.J., Igarashi, S., Imamura, S., Yuji Sawada, Y., Matsumoto, M., Hur, S.P., and Takemura, A. (2011). Molecular cloning and expression of long wavelength sensitive cone opsin in the brain of a tropical damselfish. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 160A: 486-492.[abstract]
- Bapary, M.A.J., Amin, M.N. and Takemura, A. (2011) The stimulatory effects of long wavelengths of light on the ovarian development in the tropical damselfish, Chrysiptera cyanea. Aquaculture, 314: 188-192.[abstract]
- Bapary, M.A.J. and Takemura, A. (2010). Effect of temperature and photoperiod on the reproductive condition and performance of a tropical damselfish Chrysiptera cyanea during different phases of reproductive season. Fisheries Science, 76: 769-776.[abstract]
- Sri Susilo, E., Harnadi, L. and Takemura, A. (2009). Tropical monsoon environments and the reproductive cycle of the orange-spotted spinefoot Siganus guttatus. Marine Biology Research, 5: 179-185. [abstract]
- Park, Y.J., Takemura, A. and Lee, Y.D. (2006). Annual and lunar-synchronized reproductive activity in two rabbitfish species in the Chuuk Lagoon, Micronesia. Fisheries Science, 72: 166-172. [abstract]
- Park, Y.J., Takemura, A. and Lee, Y.D. (2006). Histological evidence of lunar-synchronized reproductive activity in the pencil-streaked rabbitfish, Siganus doliatus, the Chuuk Lagoon, Micronesia. Ichthyological Research, 53: 179-181. [abstract]
- Takemura, A., Rahman, M.S. and Park, Y.J. (2010). External and internal controls of lunar-related reproductive rhythms in fish. Journal of Fish BIology, 76: 7-26. [abstract]
- 竹村明洋(2008).サンゴ礁に潜む月世界,リズム生態学,体内時計の多様性とその生態機能.清水勇・大石正(編),東海大学出版会,東京.pp. 1-24.
- 竹村明洋(2008).概月周リズム.時間生物学辞典.石田直理雄・本間研一(編),朝倉書店,東京.pp. 30-31.
- Ayson, F.G. and Takemura, A. (2007). mRNA expression patterns for GH, PRL, SL, IGF-I and IGF-II during altered nutritional status in rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 150: 196-204. [abstract]
- 竹村明洋・池田 譲(2006).時間とともに活動するサンゴ礁生物,美ら島の自然史・琉球列島の生物多様性.琉球大学21世紀COEプログラム編集委員会(編),東海大学出版会,東京.pp. 61-70.
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- Ayson, F.G. and Takemura, A. (2006). Daily expression patterns for mRNAs of GH, PRL, SL, IGF-I and IGF-II in juvenile rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus, during 24-hour light and dark cycles. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 149: 261-268. [abstract]
- 竹村明洋(2005).魚類における月齢同調産卵と月を利用した時刻あわせ.時間生物学,11: 17-22.
- Takemura, A., Rahman, M.S., Nakamura, S., Park, Y.J. and Takano, K. (2004). Lunar cycles and reproductive activity in reef fishes with particular attention to rabbitfishes. Fish and Fisheries, 5: 317-328. [abstract]
- Kim, B.H., Takemura, A., Kim, S.J. and Lee, Y.D. (2003). Vitellogenin induction via androgens in primary cultures of tilapia hepatocytes. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 132: 248-255. [abstract]
- Kim, B.H. and Takemura, A. (2003). Culture conditions affect induction of vitellogenin synthesis by estradiol-17b in primary cultures of tilapia hepatocytes. Comparative Biochemistry and Biochemistry, 135B: 231-239.
- Kim, B.H. and Takemura, A. (2002). In vitro vitellogenin synthesis in primary cultures of tilapia hepatocytes. Fisheries Science, 68: 123-131. [abstract]
- Kim, B.H., Takemura, A. and Nakamura, M. (2002). Comparison of in vitro vitellogenin synthesis among different nonylphenol products using primary cultures of tilapia hepatocytes. Fisheries Science, 68: 838-842.
- Takemura, A. and Kim, B.H. (2001). Effects of estradiol-17b on in vitro and in vivo synthesis of two distinct vitellogenins in tilapia. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 129A: 641-651. [abstract]
- Vijayan, M.M., Takemura, A. and Mommsen, T.P. (2001). Estradiol impairs hypo-osmoregulatory capacity in the euryhaline tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus. American Journal of Physiology, 281: R1161-R1168. [abstract]
- 小笠原敬・竹村明洋・高野和則(2000).沖縄島河川に生息するテラピアの雄血中からの雌特異タンパク質(ビテロジェニン)検出.沖縄生物学会誌,11: 1-10.
- Rahman, M.S., Takemura, A. and Takano, K. (2000). Annual changes in ovarian histology, plasma steroid hormones and vitellogenin in the female golden rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus. Bulletin of Marine Science, in press.
- Rahman, M.S., Takemura, A. and Takano, K. (2000). Correlation between plasma steroid hormones and vitellogenin profiles and lunar periodicity in the female golden rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus (Bloch). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 127B: 113-122. [abstract]
- Takemura, A., Takeuchi, H., Teruya, T., Oka, M. and Kanematsu, M. (1999). Immunochemical estimation of reproductive activity in hatchery-reared female greater amberjack, Seriola dumerili, using skin mucus. Fisheries Science, 65: 792-793.
- Takemura, A. and Sin, D.H. (1999). Detection of vitellogenin in the sera of male tilapia inhabiting the Okukubi river, using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Biological Magazine, Okinawa, 37: 1-7.
- Takemura, A. and Oka, M. (1998). Immunochemical sexing of living yellowfin tuna, Thunnas albacares (Bonnaterre), using a vitellogenin-like protein. Aquaculture Research, 29: 245-250.
- Fujita, T., Takemura, A. and Takano, K. (1998). Immunochemical detection of precursor proteins of yolk and vitelline envelope, and their annual changes in the blood of Diodon holocanthus. Journal of Fish Biology, 52; 1229-1240.
- Takemura, A. and Teruya, T. (1997). Purification and partial characterization of the vitellogenin of coral trout, Plectropomus leopardas. Bulletin of Marine Science, 61(3): 791-800.
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- Choi, C.Y., Chang, Y.J., Takemura, A. and Takano, K. (1996). Immunochemical properties of vitellogenin and egg yolk proteins in female fusilier, Caesio diagramma. Journal of Aquaculture, 9(1): 83-92.
- Choi, C.Y., Takemura, A. and Takano, K. (1996). Ovarian development and changes in serum vitellogenin during the annual reproductive cycle of the female fusilier, Caesio diagramma. Galaxea, 13: 35-45.
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- Choi, C.Y., Chang, Y.J. and Takemura, A. (1995). Purification of vitellogenin and egg yolk protein, and changes of vitellogenin concentration during the ovulation period in elkhorn sculpin, Alcichthys alcicornis. Journal of the Korean Fisheries Society, 28(6): 753-760.
- Takemura, A. (1994). Vitellogenin-like substance in the skin mucus of Oreochromis mossambicus. Fisheries Science, 60(6): 789-790.
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- Takemura, A., Hara, A. and Takano, K. (1991). Immunochemical identification and partial characterization of female-specific serum proteins in white-edged rockfish, Sebastes taczanowskii. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 30: 49-56.
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- Quinitio, G.F., Takemura, A. and Goto, A. (1989). Ovarian development and changes in the serum vitellogenin levels in the river sculpin, Cottus hangiongensis, during an annual reproductive cycle. Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University, 40(4): 246-253.
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