- Lunar-synchronizated spawning mechanism in coral reef fishes
- Hormonal regulation of vitellogenesis
Lunar-synchronizated spawning mechanism in coral reef fishes
Many fish species utilize cues from the moon for synchrony of growth, migration and gamete release. Since there are many adaptative strategies for lunar synchrony, it is considered that the cues utilized by the fish are different among species. Upon the earth, the moon exerts cyclic environmental changes, which may be due to intensity of moonlight, time of moonrise, relative to the solar cycle, and/or pattern of movement of the moon across the night sky. The earth-moon-sun gravitational forces (tidal forces), or the subtle alternations in the earth's geophysical forces that occur as a result of the changing position of the earth relative to the moon and the sun may not be excluded from perception of the lunar. it is expected that the fish can utilize such changes on the earth.
We have demonstrated that rabbitfishes are restrict lunar-synchronized spawners. The gonad of each species develops toward and the mature gametes released at the specific lunar phase (see figure). The seagrass rabbitfish and the spiny rabbitfish spawn on or around the new moon, while the synchronous spawning of the golden rabbitfish and the forktail rabbitfish occurs around the first quarter moon and the last quarter moon, respectively. Using these rabbitfishes, we try to clarify physiological mechanism of lunar-shynchronized spawning.
Since lunar-shynchronized activity in fishes is biological rhythm, we think that our studies are categorized as chronobiology. Our research interests goes to what kind of the cue(s) from the moon are perceived by the fish and how it is conveyed as endogenous stimuli in endocrine organs in the fish. Recently, we demonstrated that melatonin which is produced in the pineal organ and the retina changes with not only daylignt but also moonlight. It is known that melaonin decreases during daytime and increases during night time. In addition to such daily change, melatonin increased around the new moon (dark night) and decreased around the full moon (bright night). This may mean that the fish can percieve change in moonlight intensity and utilize it for exertion of synchrony.
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Hormonal regulation of vitellogenesis
Vitellogenin (VTG) is one of female-specific proteins. VTG appears in the blood circulation of female fish starting vitellogenesis and of male or immature fish treated with estrogens (e.g. estradiol-17b, E2). This protein is a precoursor form of egg yolk and is synthesized in the liver under influence of E2. It is generally accepted that E2 is the most important steroid hormones to induce VTG in fish hepatocytes. However, direct or indirect requires of additional hormones and components in inducing VTG have been suggested in some teleost species such as rainbow trout, Japanese eel and Europian eel. Using tilapia and rabbitfish, we try to clarify physiological mechanism of vitellogenesis in fishes.
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- Takemura, A. and Sin, D.H. (1999). Detection of vitellogenin in the sera of male tilapia inhabiting the Okukubi river, using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Biological Magazine, Okinawa, 37: 1-7.
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- Fujita, T., Takemura, A. and Takano, K. (1998). Immunochemical detection of precursor proteins of yolk and vitelline envelope, and their annual changes in the blood of Diodon holocanthus. Journal of Fish Biology, 52; 1229-1240. [abstract]
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- Choi, C.Y., Chang, Y.J., Takemura, A. and Takano, K. (1996). Immunochemical properties of vitellogenin and egg yolk proteins in female fusilier, Caesio diagramma. Journal of Aquaculture, 9(1): 83-92.
- Choi, C.Y., Takemura, A. and Takano, K. (1996). Ovarian development and changes in serum vitellogenin during the annual reproductive cycle of the female fusilier, Caesio diagramma. Galaxea, 13: 35-45.
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- Choi, C.Y., Chang, Y.J. and Takemura, A. (1995). Purification of vitellogenin and egg yolk protein, and changes of vitellogenin concentration during the ovulation period in elkhorn sculpin, Alcichthys alcicornis. Journal of the Korean Fisheries Society, 28(6): 753-760.
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- Quinitio, G.F., Takemura, A. and Goto, A. (1989). Ovarian development and changes in the serum vitellogenin levels in the river sculpin, Cottus hangiongensis, during an annual reproductive cycle. Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University, 40(4): 246-253.
